Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Song of the Day: American Pie

I don't want to be too critical here. But I was never a fan of Richie Valens. And while Buddy Holly may have been one of the most influential early rock pioneers, I think his real power was realized by people who saw what wasn't there before he was. Taken out of that context, I think his music suffers more than, say, The Beatles. Elvis has this problem to a certain extent, too, I think. But not Louis Armstrong. Strange, eh?

Anyway, thinking about commemorating what was no doubt a significant event in music and American history, I couldn't post the entire "Peggy Sue Got Married" (Kathleen Turner, Nicholas Cage) so I'm pointing to the other related piece that provided me more entertainment than the music of the Big Bopper, Richie Valens and Buddy Holly.

If it weren't for their deaths, this song never would've been around for me and a dozen college kids to sing at the top of our drunken lungs three times a week.

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