Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm Lost

I remember seeing the ads for Lost when it first came on the air. It looked like a really cool premise that had great potential. But I missed the premiere. Then I missed a few shows that followed. I was bummed because it looked like the kind of show that you had to follow from the start or not at all. So I gave up. But then it became a hit.

Last year, the same thing happened when Heroes came on. But then eight or ten weeks in, I found I could watch the premiere of Heroes, the eight or nine most recent ones on the NBC website and I could buy any of them on iTunes. So I watched the premiere online, then with a couple of coworkers bought and watched enough from iTunes to catch us up to the freebies on the website. We caught up in plenty of time to watch the last third or so of the season on live TV with the rest of the world. We all watched Season 2 of Heroes and look forward to its return.

So when ads for the upcoming season of Lost started running, I wondered if I could do the same thing. Lo and behold, all three seasons are available online. So I started watching them, but because they are streaming, they hang up and skip sometimes a few seconds at at time. Very frustrating. One of the Heroes coworkers/watchers suggested I check for it at the library. And after some hits and misses, I borrowed the entire first season on DVD from an area library.

I had already struggled through four or five episodes online, but now I'm going to really start flying through the rest of season 1 on DVD. There have been more than 70 episodes through the first three seasons, so there's no way I'll catch up in time to watch the season premiere of season 4 at the end of this month. But since they only show one a week and I can watch more than that, I should catch up eventually.

Good show, so far.

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