Monday, January 7, 2008

Since I have a blog

I have to fulfill the legal obligation to comment on Britney Spears. So here goes:

I feel bad for her. I think she's had more than she can handle. I think everything going on right now is sad. I fear she will end up dead soon.

I'm not saying she's not to blame for the situation she's in. But it's still sad to see someone who can't pull themselves out of such a dramatic and dangerous slide.

I'm too young to remember; is this what it was like with Elvis? Were the details all this publicly known?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the same fear - that she will end her life. Too much money and attention before she had enough life experiences to be able to handle it???

I believe Britney began her career at a younger age than Elvis?

Elvis's career spanned more years and probably serving time in the military helped keep his life in order for a few years. I think he seemed more to fade from popularity. Not being an Elvis fan I didn't follow his career closely, but I think maybe he received more press as he gained weight - an indication that something was wrong. The press wasn't quite as obnoxious back them. Other than the daily paper most news was read weekly in magazines, as opposed to by the minute on the internet.