Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!!

Better later in the day than not at all. Besides, why confine Earth Day to one day?

What I did in the last year to benefit the environment:
--started using cf bulbs
--started recycling, big time
--when doing dishes, turn water off when not rinsing.
--turn off lights not in use
--turn off computer when leaving office
--when needed, chose an energy star clothes dryer
--bought real plate, silverware and started using and reusing at work, instead of using and throwing away plastic/paper
--started using insulated lunch box, rather than plastic shopping bags for daily lunch
--bought reusable grocery bags

What I plan to do in the coming year:
--buy rain barrels
--have masssave do an audit of my house
--insulate the crap out of my house
--try to find and buy more locally grown food
--consider having my power bought from wind farms, etc.

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