Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's all spin in politics

A few nits with a HubBlog post today, specifically the update to a post.

I don't want to say the "Hub Blog friend" is wrong, but consider these factors:

--He was attending a fundraising event...where insiders and supporters need to put a shine on things, especially if polls are going in the wrong direction.

--In Massachusetts....When was the last time Dems here had reason to be anything other than overly confident?

--Annonymity is fine and I trust Jay's judgement on "Hub Blog friend's" judgement. But his conclusion, without either a supporting argument OR a known identity has to be taken with a huuuuge grain of salt.

I'll freely admit that all of this is coming from a guy that hopes he's wrong. And I hope Dems do take a "take no prisoners" approach to the campaign.

I think more important would be judging the work the campaigns are doing on the ground in states like Ohio, Florida, Virginia, etc. What's going on there right now that might turn the tide one way or the other in November? Frankly, I'm not sure the attitude of anyone at a fundraiser in Boston in August can really be used in a forecast.

And--though this does not apply specifically to Hub Blog--can we stop pointing to "the" reason this election or that was lost? Can we stop insulting everyone's intelligence and admit that there are about 5,000 reasons why any election goes one way or another?

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