Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Song of the Day: Love me when I'm gone

I didn't get a chance to post this on Friday, when I wanted to. But I'm not going to let it go. After remembering 9/11, I think it's appropriate to honor the men and women who have been put in harms way since that day.

Back in an earlier incarnation of Song of the Day, I featured this song when it was fresh out of the oven. I included a description of the video sine SOTD was only an email thing then with mp3 attachments. One of the recipients responded that she loved the song, but couldn't bring herself to watch the video. A close friend of hers was being or had just been deployed and it was difficult for her to watch.

As with the 9/11 feature here, I think it's good that we watch this. That we remember the heartache that war and deployment causes, even if watching brings us close to tears.

I have all the respect in the world for the men and women who put their lives on hold and at risk to go. And to the husbands, wives and children who have to see them leave. I think it's important to remember while watching this that the return of some of these soldiers are not happy ones. Rather than embracing their husband, wife or father, many greet a casket or a loved one so wounded that they will never live a normal life.

War is horrible. I would not make the argument here that it is unnecessary or that the sacrifice of life or well-being can be avoided. But what can and must be avoided are sacrifices that are not necessary or are recklessly considered. I think it is sad that while John Kerry learned this lesson, John McCain seem not to have.

So please watch this video out of respect for the men and women who are willing. And if you feel uncomfortable thinking about what might have happened to them after this video was made, think of how uncomfortable it must be for their families.

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