Thursday, October 23, 2008

I can't wait for the book/movie/miniseries

I think Sarah Palin's story over the last few months would've made a great reality TV show. There's obvious reasons why it couldn't have been done, but I think the books that come out in six months will be fascinating.

What was really going on behind the scenes in terms of the vetting, the shopping, the training, the shopping, the relationship with McCain and the shopping?

She's an interesting case. Not in the "I think she's interesting and would be great to have in a prominent position in the governing of our country" way. More in a "what the eff is going on there?" way.

I haven't seen or read much discussion about McCain and Palin's interpersonal interaction, until this. Sounds like there wasn't much of a honeymoon with the Alaskan mail order VP candidate:

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