Thursday, April 16, 2009

If blogs were nickels...

I'd have some change in my pocket. I'm using them a lot. Not that I'm reading too many. And it's not that I'm posting here too much.

I'm creating too many blogs!!!!!

I like to keep my many identities separate and unknown to the general public, less the paparazzi and cybercreeps know too much. But suffice to say the one I created today means I am now the creator and manager of SIX mostly active blogs!

Three work, three not work.

Truth be told, I'm not actively posting on all six right at this moment. Some I just make suggestions and review/edit content. Some are not very busy. But still. Has this become a compulsive thing, you think? Or just an easy way to communicate?

It's only a matter of time before Blogger starts pushing me to do a Super Bowl ad for them.

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