Friday, August 31, 2007

Poverty strikes White House

White House spokesman Tony Snow is reported to be leaving his job. Though he's had cancer and recenlty been treated, he says his health has stabilized and it's not the reason he's leaving.

Earlier this month, Snow had told conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewitt that "financial reasons" may prevent him for serving the remainder of his boss's presidency.

"I'm not going to be able to go the distance, but that's primarily for financial reasons." Snow said. "I've told people when my money runs out, then I've got to go."

According to The Washington Post, Snow makes $168,000 as the White House spokesman.

I'm not against him making money. This is America. But life can't be too tough when you find you can't make it work on $168k. Makes you wonder what he's had to sacrifice. I'm guessing it's not name brand pasta sauce.

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